Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Fall is underway... with the Corn maze this week!

Hey everyone,

Well kick-off week is DONE!!! I love our fall kick off each year because I really miss seeing all of our kids on Friday nights during the summer, but I'm also relieved because it can be a very stressful week getting back into the swing of things - especially with our new preteen ministry also starting. I wish I could be in two places at once! I would love to be a preteen leader as well. Cora is doing a great job starting this ministry - but she and her leaders need more help!! Please consider being a Friday night leader or a Sunday morning teacher for iConnect.

Our kick-off went really well - we had about 40 kids in each ministry. I gave some of the youth our camera and enjoyed going through the crazy photos they took. Check out my Facebook to see all of them. For our kick-off, we played a bunch of games to help get to know each other. We also gave out lots of prizes - congrats to Dylane for winning our grand prize of free youth events all year long! Wahoo! This year, our Student Leadership Team will be taking over a lot of the Friday night responsibilities. Here's a shot of CJ and I running games - he is one of our SLT members who likes to be on the stage giving announcements, running events, etc. He's doing a great job!

This week we are going to the Bose Corn Maze in Cloverdale. Cost is $7 and students must bring a permission form. The deadline to sign up is today! We are meeting at the church at 6:30 pm on Friday - we are leaving right away so please be on time. So far we have 35ish kids going and are looking for 1-2 more parent drivers. Drivers do the maze for free if they would like to participate! Please remember to wear boots or shoes that can get muddy, wear old clothes, and bring a flashlight. Drivers, you may want to bring some towels for your floors as there is a chance of rain. Last year was very muddy but still lots of fun so we will go rain or shine! Here's a shot of some of our kids last year who successfully completed the maze!

Finally, I just want to remind everyone that this year we have three small groups. Previously, Mark and Brad have lead groups at their homes, but because we have new small group leaders this year, and also because we want to be very accessible to the teens in the Hamilton/Queensbourough community, we have decided to have all three groups meet at the church on Monday nights from 7-9pm. It is never too late to join a small group! The whole point of small groups is to learn about Jesus by studying God's word, to fellowship with one another, to support and pray for each other, and to always be drawing new people in. The sign of a healthy group is one that gets so big because of newcomers that it needs to split in two! Starting this coming Monday (September 26) all three of our groups will be spending four weeks learning about evangelism (i.e. sharing out faith). Our three groups that meet are: Junior High (grades 8-10), Sr. High Girls (11-12) and Sr. High Guys (11-12). Hope to see you there!!

From the (currently very cluttered) desk of

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