Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Lynn Canyon and Fireworks this week!

On Thursday Augsut 2 we are going to Lynn Canyon park. We are meeting at church at 10am will return at 3pm. The event is FREE! You MUST RSVP because we have limited seating (and limited drivers!). If your parents can drive please let me know as soon as possible.

Bring running shoes (we sometimes hike), a bathing suit and towel (if you dare to swim in the cold water), sunscreen, water, a chair/blanket (if you want) and a bagged lunch. Bring money if you want something from DQ on the way home.

On Saturday CJ has organized a Fireworks event for students going into grade 10 or higher. Here is what he posted in the Facebook event:

Yo guys! There's Fireworks this coming Saturday and I want all of the Youth going. This an event for youth going into grade 10+. It's a fun event that we do every year and its a great opportunity to catch up with the rest of the youth you may not have seen since the Disney party!

This event will be taking place on Saturday, August 4th. We will be spectating at Hadden Park, NOT English Bay. Hadden Park is just to the right of the Vancouver Museum and the Space Centre. If you come off the Burrard bridge, ta...
ke a right on Cypress St. and the park will be at the very bottom of the street. PLEASE ARRANGE YOUR OWN RIDES. If you need one, please post. Although, I am pretty sure most of us will be transiting there anyway.

There is a beach at Hadden Park and we will be there for the day. Please meet there at 3:00 pm but if you can't make it at the time we will reserve spots for you and come anytime, just let me know if you are coming late! Please inform your parents that you will be getting home late. The fireworks will start at 10:30 and end at 11, but with all the public going home at the same time, it may take longer to get home.

Bring anything you'd like to the beach, just make sure its not illegal and dangerous. lol.

Lastly, please bring your own dinner or you can buy at a Triple O's nearby. There are other food places but it is quite a distance but if majority wants we could go there too.
Please RSVP as soon as possible, I do not have many people RSVP by Thursday, the event will be canceled! Friends are also highly recommended as we can try to get them to go to Youth this upcoming year!

Questions don't hesitate to ask here or text CJ
[this is the Internet, so I'm not putting his phone number in. Check the church directory or call the office for his number]

It's going to be great, I'm looking forward to seeing you all there!

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