Monday, November 07, 2011

Tis the season to CONSPIRE

Hey everyone,
This week there are no Friday night programs happening at the church due to Remembrance Day. I hope all of you have a wonderful weekend as we reflect on those who have fought on our behalf!

Yesterday in the worship service we played the following video by Advent Conspiracy:

We've been showing AC's videos in youth for the past few years. Every time I watch this I get the chills, especially when I read, "do you see what could happen?" It gets me every time!

Now, I love Christmas... I love the cold weather, the lights, making cookies with my grandma, picking out the perfect presents for my family, the Christmas Eve service, and so many more things about this season. But so often, we become so wrapped up in wrapping things up that we prioritize "Me Christmas" with "Jesus Christmas." Unfortunatly, there comes a point in this dual-holiday season where we can't fully reconcile both Christmases - and that's when we put one first. Generally, it's the one with more expectations - we're expected to decorate, to buy gifts, to make cookies, to host dinner, etc. and so all of that takes up our time, leaving us very little leftover time to reflect on what the Christmas season actually means to us as Christians. This year, my personal goal is to never let "Me Christmas" take precident over "Jesus Christmas." I know it's something I'll struggle with, but I'm going to try my hardest.

We always show this video to our students in hopes that they'll be touched by the message as well. This year, we want to give them as many opportunities to put the principle of giving presence over presents into practice as we can. We are organzing five different holiday service projects to bless those in our church community, Hamilton community, Metro Vancouver, and the world.

Here is out list:

Visiting the Evergreen Care Home in White Rock to bless the seniors there. Sue is organizing this visit which will take place on December 19 or 20 (when all students are out of school). We will be singing carols with them, putting together a simple program, and visiting with them.

Serving a meal to the homeless via the Salvation Army church in New West. We will be taking our students over on a Saturday in December (details TBA) so they can actually see the people they so often make lunches for throughout the year.

Sponsoring families in need in the Hamilton community. Lois Lanes has contacted us about donating some wrapped gifts for kids as they are already organizing this. We would help by taking a group of teens to buy gifts and wrap them.

Hosting a Blanket & Outerwear Drive throughout the month of November. This is a competition between the youth and preteen ministries to see who can bring more blankets, coats, gloves, hats, etc. to the church so that we can distribute them to the homeless. All donations can be dropped off in the Boardroom or the Attic.

Raising $2500 to help drill a well in a third world country. We are doing this through World Vision. We have never raised money for a cause like this but since it's the specific issue targetted by Advent Consipiracy, we're going for it. All students are encouraged to ask family and friends for donations (we will soon make it possible to donate online) and we will also be hosting a Soup & Bun lunch on November 27 to raise money for this cause.

We are inviting our church family to participate in any way you are able! Yesterday, CJ and I spoke about the last two projects which are our largest endeavours. However, that doesn't mean we want to be exclusive about the rest - if you're interested in serving alongside our students, please drop me a line!!!

From the desk of

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