Monday, October 31, 2011

A successful banquet & costume party!

Hey everyone,

This past weekend was our Fall Family Banquet and Costume Party for youth and preteens. We all wore our costumes to dinner which, in my opinion, made it my favourite Fall Banquet! it was a good conversation starter with different people at Bethany that myself and our teens may not usually talk to. And of course, the food was awesome!

After dinner we headed upstairs for a quick costume party. Usually the banquet isn't held on the same weekend as Halloween and it would have been really great to keep our students downstairs for the whole night to learn more about missions. Next year I plan on doing that. However, our annual costume party is one of our bigger events for outreach as many of our students feel comfortable bringing friends to this event, so we squeezed it into the night. We played a trivia game and had a pumpkin carving competition (congrats to the ladies who carved the winning unicorn pumpkin!) before the preteen ministry joined us for our annual "costume catwalk" and prize giveaway. We also had New Beginnings youth joining us so in total there were about 100 students in our room (!!!) and roughly 20 adult leaders. Soooo it was pretty much my dream night because I LOVE seeing the Attic full!!!

This year we had TONS of amazing costumes. It was one of the best years for interesting outfits! Usually we hand out a few prizes (best girl, best guy, etc.) but this year I put together 10 prizes for different categories. I STILL felt like some people left without winning a much deserved prize! Rayna the Crayon and Jeff in his lederhosen, I'm looking at you!!

Our winners were:
Best overall girl: Sarah as Cleopatra
Best overall guy: Matt as the sloth
Funniest: Kellen the hot dog
Best partnership: Connor and Ryan as the Mario bros
Best lazy costume: Sean as...? a very lazy lumberjack? He rocked the mustache!
Best craftsmanship: Megan as a bag of Jellybellies
Most cliche: Chelsea as Smarty Pants
Most clever: Andrea as a cereal killer
Most unique: Riley as a pilexated man (I know there's a technical term that has to do with video games... forgive me!)
Best youth leader: Paul as Banana in Pajamas

Here are some photos of the night - be sure to check Sue's and Rhoda's Facebook albums for the rest!

Eric as Napoleon Dynamite and Kellen as a hot dog

Tolu as Pastor Stef
Ryan and Connor as the Mario Brothers
Sean with Matt the Sloth

German Jeff wants the Ring of Power... yikes

Overall I had a great time! I was a Giant Squid but managed to evade the camera. This Friday, November 4th, is Alive - we will not be doing worhsip but will be spending more time playing games before I give my testimony. See you there!

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