Monday, February 18, 2013

Sunday School - combined class - encouragement

This week we had a combined class and talked about encouragement. Then we put what we learned into practice by writing encouragement cards to others at Bethany and putting them on the encouragement tree in the foyer. It was a fun lesson and I enjoyed watching our students fill the tree!

Here are some follow-up questions to the lesson:

  • What are examples of deeds or actions that have encouraged you or your friends?
  • When has an encouraging action been more powerful than an encouraging word in your life?
  • When have you experienced encouragement from a friend during a difficult time? How did that person encourage you?
  • If a friend needs encouragement during a tough time, but you can’t think of anything specific to say or do to help that person through the situation, how could you encourage that person?
  • How have you been encouraged simply by a friend’s presence? What did that friend do to help or encourage you besides just being “present” in your life?
  • In general, in your everyday life, do you hear more “foul and abusive” words or more “good and helpful” words?
  • What spiritual impact have your encouraging words, actions, and presence had on your friends’ lives? How might that impact be different between friends who are Christians and friends who aren’t?
  • How might you approach the idea of encouragement when things are going well for a friend? What kind of “encouragement” is most needed during those times?
  • If you received an anonymous card offering supportive words, would it provide you more encouragement or less encouragement than a card with a friend’s name signed at the bottom? Why do you feel the way you do?
Verses we used: 

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