Wednesday, December 10, 2014

Twelve Days of Christmas for Parents

Hey parents! Starting this Friday Dec. 12, check the blog daily for a useful resource, article, or website for parenting. One new resource will be posted each day from Dec. 12-23. Thanks for doing what you do and letting us be a part of your kids' lives!

Resources will be posted below each day.

December 12: Blog article: "25 Ways to Ask Your Teens “How Was School Today?” WITHOUT asking them “How Was School Today?" from Simple Simon and Company

December 13: News article: "Top 15 Things Your Middle School Kid Wishes You Knew" from Huffington Post

December 14: Three of my favourite tried-and-true Christmas treat recipes to make together:
Homemade Gumdrops (I made these today and they are excellent!)
Chocolate Fudge - can be modified for several flavours (walnut, mint, caramel, etc.)
Stained Glass Trees

December 15: Blog article: "10 Things I Want My Daughter to Know About Working Out." from Wellfesto. Excellent list for anyone, but especially in a world where girls and women are bombarded with image after image of what the 'perfect' body looks like, instead of what healthy insides look like!

December 16: Magazine article: "Being a Christian Doesn't Always Look Like You Think It Should" from Relevant Magazine - this isn't about teens/youth ministry, just a really good article and reminder to us all!

December 17: Today is the day The Hobbit: Battle of the Five Armies comes out! I've already seen it, so if you have plans to see it over the holidays here are some discussion questions for the car ride home:

  • Why do you think Thorin became so "sick" with wealth? How can people become "sick" this way in real life?
  • How is money a part of your life? How can money become an idol? How can we prevent that from happening?
  • Why do you think Bilbo gave up most of his share of the treasure? Why wouldn't he want to take more home with him?
  • What would you have done in Bard's situation: stayed with your kids during the Laketown attack or defended the city? Why?
  • Who was the bravest character in the movie? Why?
  • Why did Bilbo show bravery when he stood up to Thorin? Are you more like Bilbo (standing up for what is right even when it is scary) or the dwarves (following a friend like Thorin even when you know they are wrong?)
  • Which part of The Hobbit (all 3 parts, or the book) represents Christian themes the best? How can you use those themes to talk to your friends about Jesus?

December 18: The alternate "Christmas" story - read Revelation 12 and talk about how it is similar and different from the usual Christmas story we read. What other passages in the Bible could we read at Christmas time?

December 19: Article: "Why We Must Teach Digital Natives How to be Alone" from Huffington Post

December 20: News article: "Santa's Real Workshop: The Town in China that Makes the World's Christmas Decorations" from The Guardian - interesting article, makes one think twice about consumption at Christmas

December 21: Video: "Why Do We Gossip" from Soul Pancake (not a Christian organization, but a very cool one - these are the guys behind Socktober)

December 22: Website: XXX Church, an online ministry to help those strugging with porn addictions. Includes useful resources, safety programs to protect your kids, etc.

December 23: My favourite study Bible - I have some free copies in the youth room so if you do not have a study Bible, come get one! Here's my favourite reading guide to go along with it - the Chronological guide.

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