Thursday, June 27, 2013

Man of Steel review on

Yesterday a bunch of us went to see Man of Steel - and I'm sure nearly every teenager who wasn't at our summer kick-off event will see it at some point this summer if they haven't already.

I don't know a lot about Superman's story (I think this is the first time I've actually watched a full Superman movie!) but I really liked it! The graphics were great, it had a solid cast, and the language and other negative elements were pretty minimal.

Here is a great review of the movie for parents who want to know what their teens are watching or want to talk to them about it afterwards -

Here are some discussion points as well:

  • In what ways is Clark Kent a "Jesus figure?" In what ways is he not?
  • Where can we see God's truths played out in this movie?
  • What parts of the movie are NOT God's truth?
  • What did you think of Clark's relationship to his parents? In what ways are they positively portrayed?
  • Near the end, the bad guys tell Superman that humans have a sense of morality and they do not, which means that evolution is on their side. How does that statement compare to what you believe in (keep in mind that some Christians believe in evolution - they just see it as God's tool and not a replacement for God)?
  • At one point Clark goes to talk to a priest, who says, "Sometimes you have to take a leap of faith first. The trust part comes later." How does this quote relate to your own faith?
  • What were some other times in the movie that we can see spiritual content? 

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