Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Carlon's small group: Evangephobia series

Carlon's small group started a new series this week called Evangephobia which is exactly what it sounds like.  It's a good time to talk about it because Clue is right around the corner and it's our biggest outreach event of the year! I strategically arranged our calendar around the game to make it as easy as possible for our students to invite friends, but it's so important to know what the Bible has to say about actually talking to those friends about God.

I'm kicking myself because I gave Carlon all the lessons ahead of time, which means I don't have them with me to update the blog!!! I'll try and get copies so I can continue to update you about what the group's topic is each week.

And as always, EVERYONE in grades 8-12 is welcome!

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