Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Sunday School Curriculum

One of the biggest items of feedback I received from students this past year was that they are not often comfortable discussing or sharing their faith with their peers, usually because the questions their friends ask can be intimidating if they don’t know the answer. While we will never have all the answers as to who God is  there are plenty of things we can learn about God and our faith to better equip us to share with others. For this reason, both iConnect and youth will be spending the year learning theology on Sunday mornings.

While both age groups will cover similar topics, lessons will be tailored to their age levels as well. iConnect students will learn basic theology with the emphasis on concrete ideas (the preteen brain is a fearful thing because it is in the middle of switching between concrete and abstract thinking!!). Their lessons will be broken up into four units: “Who is God, “ (creation, Trinity, Old Testament overview, judgement…) “Who is Jesus,” (early life, teachings, death and resurrection, salvation…) “Who Am I” (created in God’s image, steward of the earth, evangelist…) and “Who is the Church” (early church, life and teachings of Paul, Bethany 101…).

Meanwhile, the youth will be digging deeper into many of these topics and will explore the different schools of thought in regards to Christian doctrine. While the concepts are similar to the iConnect curriculum, there will be more abstract ideas and discussion topics. We will also be covering some tougher topics such as homosexuality and Revelation (we will end our year with six week study by request from our teens!).

I will be posting the “Big Idea” of each lesson as well as a few discussion questions and notes for parents (and students!) a few days before each Sunday class – usually on Thursdays or Fridays. Be sure to check the blog often to see what we are learning!

Students who miss a class may take home the lesson notes – I will leave a few extra copies in the Attic by the Welcome Table (there are plastic boxes hanging on the purple wall).

Also, since the third Sunday of each month is both Communion and potluck Sunday, we will continue the community trend by having a combined, topical lesson on that week - sometimes we will have guest speakers, other times we will learn about upcoming holidays, and so on and so forth.

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