Monday, February 13, 2012

Small Groups Tonight

Hey parents!

Tonight for the junior high small group, they will be watching a video called "How Great is Our God" by Lou Giglio. Some of you may be familiar with it, and many of our students have seen it before. It's an amazing video that looks at the size of the universe and it's incomprehensble wonders, and also looks at the amazing complexity of the tiny particles that hold us all together. There are no assigned questions that go along with it, but the group will be discussing their thoughts and ideas about it afterwards. If you plan on talking to your child about this, a good place to start would be to ask for a recap of the video, and then ask what they were most amazed by, what got them excited, and how it helps them think of our Creator.

For the senior high small group, we will be starting a new four-week series called "Did Jesus Really Say That?" which will focus on a few of his sayings from the Gospel of John. When he walked the face of the earth, Jesus was known for doing miracles, teaching great truths, demonstrating pure love—and surprising people. His answers and words weren’t always what people expected.

This series looks at some of his most surprising statements. This week, we will examine the conversation between Jesus and Nicodemus in John 3. What did it mean for someone to be “born again?” Why did God send Jesus? What did he come to do?

This week, I encourage you to find time to ask your child what it means to be “born again.” Has Jesus brought change and transformation to your teenager’s life? Do your student’s friends ask the kinds of questions Nicodemus asked? Are they curious to know more about who Jesus is? Here are some other questions you could ask your teenager to fuel your conversation:
·         Why do you think Nicodemus wanted to talk with Jesus?
·         Why do Christians talk about being “saved”? What makes you feel “saved” or not “saved”? Why is there negative baggage connected with this word among non-believers?
·         What are some ways you’re living out your faith today that could draw your friends to Jesus? How are you becoming “light” and pointing the way to him?

Thanks so much for allowing your student to be in our small group ministry. Monday nights are my favourite part of working in youth ministry and meeting with your teenagers each week makes me so grateful for each of them. They really are the coolest group of teens I've ever worked with!

Have a great week,

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