Monday, February 20, 2012

Oscars recap

Hey everyone!

This past Friday night was our annual BBC Youth Oscar night! It was a lot of fun and went really well. It was nice to see everyone dressed up and cheering each other on (even quiet people gave thank you speeches... including BOB)! Thanks to everyone who brought dessert or presented an award!

Congrats to all of our winners:

  • Achievement in Punctuality: Noah L.
  • Best Comic Relief: Mark W. (And Then There Was One)
  • Best One-Liner: Brennan B. (And Then There Was One)
  • Least Politically Correct: Adam S. (Superheroes)
  • Best Dance Scene: some of the cast of And Then There Was One
  • Best Fight Scene: Riley B. and Jonah L. (Lord of the Carrot)
  • Best Accent: CJ S. (Voldemort and the Nose Crusade)
  • Creepiest Actor: Kris S. (Lord of the Carrot)
  • Best Foreign Performance: Maddy Kru. - all the way from Edmonton! (Voldemort and the Nose Crusade)
  • Best Props: Zoe B. and Riley S. (Lord of the Carrot)
  • Best Cinematography: Sheldon S. (The Office)
  • Best Soundtrack: Jesse B. (Voldemort and the Nose Crusade)
  • Best Supporting Actors: Matt S. (The Office) and Harlen T. (Superheroes)
  • Best Supporting Actresses: Megan H. (The Office) and Iana S. (And Then There Was One)
  • Best Actor: Kellen R. (The Office)
  • Best Actress: Farren M. (Voldemort and the Nose Crusade)
  • Best Costumes: Cast of Superheroes
  • Best Film Editing: Bob B. (Lord of the Carrot)
  • Best Concept: Brittni CB (Voldemort and the Nose Crusade)
  • Best Screenplay: Paul S. (Superheroes)
  • Best Director : Sue W. (Lord of the Carrot)
  • 2012 Honourary Award (for lifetime acheivement in being a trooper as the only girl in her group!) Rayna B.
  • Best Picture: Cast of the Office

Here are a few photos from the night (thanks Iana and Sue!)

Guess who he's supposed to be?

Jake looks like he's trying to steal Sue's award

CJ presenting the Oscars for Best Actor and Actress

Some of the boys enjoying their dessert
The Cast of "Voldemort and the Nose Crusade" took home awards for Best Accent, Best Actress, Best Concept, Best Soundtrack, and Foreign Performance (From left: Mitchell, Jeff, CJ, Farren, Brittni, Temi. Missing: Maddy, Jesse, Kathleen, T'ea, and Carlon)

The Cast of "Superheroes" took home awards for Best Costumes, Best Screenplay, Best Supporting Actor, Least Politically Correct, and the Honourary Award. (From left: Daniel, Brian, Rayna, Paul and Adam. Missing: Harlen)

The Cast of "And Then There Was One" took home awards for Best Supporting Actress, Best Comic Relief, Best One Liner, and Best Dance Scene. Missing: Heidi, Jake, Vincy, Karen, Brennan)

The Cast of "Lord of the Carrot" took home awards for Best Film Editing, Best Props, Best Director, Best Fight Scene and Creepiest Actor. (From left: Zoe, Sue, Samantha, Bob, Kris, and Jonah. Missing: Zoe, Riley S, Riley B, Jasper, Frank and Stephen)
The Cast of "The Office" took home awards for BEST PICTURE (whoo!), Best Actor, Best Supporting Actor, Best Supporting Actress, and Cinematography. (From left: Kellen, Jessica, Megan, Sheldon, Amanda, Matt, and Eric. Missing: David)

Finally, thanks to my brother for helping me set up the red carpet photo booth (it wouldn't have looked so good otherwise!) as well as everyone who voted. I think next year will be a LOT more competitive since Sheldon and Matt have won a couple of times now!

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