Saturday, May 07, 2011

Car Rally!

Yesterday was our annual Car Rally - for those of you who don't know what that is, we split the students into teams with a driver, and they have some sort of task to complete. Some years they need to answer clues to navigate a route, other years, the kids have been blindfolded, taken to a destination and then asked to navigate back to church, and still other years it's a scavenger hunt of sorts.

This year Jake planned it for us (thanks Jake!!!) which was great because it's nice to have different ideas to keep it interesting. Each team recieved a list of tasks - either taking photos of something (proposing to a stranger, Walmart employees posing as Charlie's Angels, the largest stuffed animal the team can find, etc.) or bringing items back (a take-out menu, eyelash curler...). Each item had points assigned to it depending on the difficulty of the task.

This year, the winning team was our group of Junior High girls, which frankly was a surprise to us all! When I was a junior high girl, I didn't have a clue when it came to games like this! They also did very well at our Clue Game this year, so I think I chose the right girls for my small group :) Congrats to Emily, Breanna, Robyn, Zoe, and their driver, Christine - they came in at a whopping 280 points!

Thank you to all of the drivers this year - we can't do travelling events like this without you! The kids and the leaders really appreciate it. It's so great to see leaders and parents getting to know some of the students in our ministry that they might not get a chance to talk to otherwise. We hope you had fun too!

Remember that next week is ALIVE! - a night of music, games, food, friends, prizes, a message, and some small group discussion time. This is a great event to bring friends to if they are curious about God! The theme is TBA but I'll be giving the message! Wahoo! As for other upcoming events, May Camp is on the long weekend - if you don't have a form, talk to Pastor Brad asap! We only have four events left til summer... crazy! It doesn't seem warm enough for our wrap-up event yet....

From the desk of Amanda the Intern

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